Transforming the way we work
...of a broader piece of work on raising digital capability across the MOJ (for which we’re recruiting a Head - see below for details). Digital capability The Digital Capability Project...
...of a broader piece of work on raising digital capability across the MOJ (for which we’re recruiting a Head - see below for details). Digital capability The Digital Capability Project...
At Ministry of Justice Digital Services, we have increasingly found ourselves being approached by colleagues from other areas of the department to help them ‘become more digital’.
Read about our final monthly all-hands meeting for 2014, with guest speaker Dr Paul Thomas talking about the importance of trust, risk and creativity in the workplace
An important aspect of digital transformation at the MOJ is the adoption of an ‘inside out’ approach. This means that systems and ways of working are being improved internally as well as externally.
I recently had the pleasure of visiting the digital court team in Sydney to see their new online services for jurors.
What does designing a digital service have in common with designing a policy?
MOJ Parliamentary Branch worked with MOJ Digital Services over 20 weeks to develop Whitehall’s first open source Parliamentary Questions (PQ) tracker.
We're now recruiting for a number of roles across a variety of disciplines, so here are some tips to help you apply.
A newcomer’s first steps into the world of MOJ Digital.
A summary of our monthly Digital Services meeting, with talks from Paul Shetler, Chief Digital Officer at Digital Services, and Olivia Neal, Head of Service Standard from GDS