Transforming Lives: Coding Workshops Partnership

In 2002, I lost my Internet company. With a new baby and a mortgage to pay, I took a temporary job teaching in a prison, never imagining I would still be in that role 21 years later. But one thing …
In 2002, I lost my Internet company. With a new baby and a mortgage to pay, I took a temporary job teaching in a prison, never imagining I would still be in that role 21 years later. But one thing …
In the rapidly evolving world of digital transformation, the MoJ has embraced a modern strategy, one that centres around flexibility, data-driven decisions, and user-led services. This approach is aimed at delivering justice that’s faster, simpler, and better for all. Recently, …
Building on our first digital prisoner-facing service The digital Launchpad Product Delivery team went live with the new prisoner-facing Launchpad Home and Launchpad Auth on in-cell prisoner laptops on 4 June 2024. Launchpad Home is the new home page and …
Right now in England and Wales we have a terrible rate of reoffending. About half the people leaving prison will be back there within two years. Not only does this cost the taxpayer huge amounts of money, we’re also not …
Background As part of the work to reduce reoffending, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) are working together to develop a ‘resettlement passport’ for prison leavers. This was a commitment from the Prisons …
"Video calling for prisoners might well be the best thing to come out of COVID in prisons." Phil Copple Director General HMPPS The Coronavirus outbreak forced many people to get to grips with using video technology as a safe way …
Back in May 2019, we started to migrate “prison finder” pages from to the GOV.UK website. Our main goal was to make sure the content really worked for our users while also moving us closer towards turning off an …
In a new prison pilot, the MOJ prisoner money team tests a digital way of sending prisoners’ money out
At Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), we’re building straightforward, effective digital services to support reform, save money and increase safety in UK prisons.
How microservices made up of small applications can be more effective than big behemoth IT systems.