Writing new tribunal guides for GOV.UK

Today MOJ Digital and the Government Digital Service published the first of a series of new guides to tribunals on GOV.UK.
I am a content designer with 12 years' experience of simplifying complex info for the public. I wrote a lot of the legal content on GOV.UK and Directgov, and have helped shape a number of MOJ Digital tools and transactions. I'm currently working on the migration of MOJ's agencies to GOV.UK.
Today MOJ Digital and the Government Digital Service published the first of a series of new guides to tribunals on GOV.UK.
This week marked another milestone in the long trek to move justice content to GOV.UK, with the Youth Justice Board going live on the website.
Web editor Graham Lee on meetings with tribunal staff to find out about their customers' needs for the move of guidance to GOV.UK.
What's new this week - including the launch of new and improved versions of the court finder and a tribunal decisions database.
Content designer Graham Lee on the start of work to move over specialist information from the Justice website to GOV.UK.
What the digital services division have been up to this week: looking at jury summons, user-testing money claims, and further work on legal aid and court finder tools.
What the Digital Services Division has been up to this week, including kick-starting work on tribunal decisions, meeting devs at GDS, and visiting Gartree Prison.
Graham Lee talks about how we've been testing a new tool that will help the public work out if they can get legal aid.
A blog about using digital and technology to transform services in the justice system.
How we work with the security research community to improve our online security