What is Launchpad Auth? First of all, what is Launchpad? In brief, Launchpad is an innovative HMPPS in-cell tech programme that gives prisoners secure laptops with digital services in their cells to support their rehabilitation. Many teams work within this …
Building on our first digital prisoner-facing service The digital Launchpad Product Delivery team went live with the new prisoner-facing Launchpad Home and Launchpad Auth on in-cell prisoner laptops on 4 June 2024. Launchpad Home is the new home page and …
How do we make sure that a Large Language Model (LLM) understands a task, and completes it as accurately as possible? If you’ve experimented yourself, or read the advice of major LLM providers (such as these guides from Anthropic, Google, …
The Content Hub is a good way to meet the needs of both staff and prisoners. It allows prisoners to access content relevant to their journey and frees up staff time. The 'Your profile' area gives prisoners visibility over their …
Research found people in prison need easy access to their timetable, account balances, incentive level, and when their next visit is - this is how we fulfilled those needs and why. The Content Hub is a platform available to people …
Since February this year, the Content Hub team has been working feverishly to give people in prison improved access to their personal information, and now it's alive and kicking, we want to tell you about it. If you haven't heard …
In the previous blog about how a focus on accessibility moulded the Content Hub, we talked about how a simple misunderstanding of rules and protocol in prison establishments can lead to increased frustration, anger, and violence. In this blog, we …
The Content Hub is basically a restricted and secure intranet created, designed, developed and written solely for the prison estate. It's the only 100% prisoner-facing service in MOJ Digital and Technology. In developing it, we've been constantly awake to the …
In the Content Hub team's first blog, we talked about research we did into Young Offender Institutions (YOIs) that informed the very specific content created to launch the Hub into HMYOI Cookham Wood. In this second blog, we're talking about …
“It’s horrible, being called an ex-offender. It’s a label that you can’t peel off.” The quote above came from a person speaking at a support group. It’s a reminder that it matters how we talk about people. The words we …