Why we're creating IT policy in the open

...rules for choosing and managing suitable passwords must be as clear and simple as possible. For us, that means keeping the rules open. Using the Cloud We store our work...
...rules for choosing and managing suitable passwords must be as clear and simple as possible. For us, that means keeping the rules open. Using the Cloud We store our work...
Over the last couple of years, there has been a huge amount of interest in blockchains - the technology underpinning electronic currencies such as Bitcoin. While most development has been in the private sector, we’re keen to explore their potential …
We want to support the incredible work of our staff by giving them the best tools for their jobs.
If we want to encourage young people to think about a career in digital and technology, what should we do? Get out there and talk to them!
We're appointing product owners to manage our computers, devices, networks and Wi-Fi, to keep our technology up to date.
The real long-term costs of running IT or software – and why it makes sense to invest in improvements to avoid expensive glitches later on.
You should spend time exploring your options before buying or building a service, and always make sure you can change it in the future.