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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Women in Technology

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A recent PWC UK research report stated that only 5% of leadership positions in the technology industry are held by women, proving that there is still a huge gender gap in the technology industry. Despite an ever-growing number of interventions that address gender disparity, unfortunately the wider figures of women employed in technology has been hovering around 17% for more than a decade. So why hasn’t this changed? And what can we do to help at the MoJ?

Ultimately it all starts small, and with each individual. Approached with respect and open mindedness, asking questions and talking to colleagues in your own team, means that the complexity of diversity won’t be so complex after all. To help, I’m leading on an initiative called Women in Tech within the MoJ, which offers a platform for the following:


We will be releasing a series of blogs about Women in Technology where we’ll be discussing issues, stereotypes and narratives at hand that we often hide away from fear of saying something ‘politically incorrect’. Becoming conscious and responsive to these topics is incredibly appreciated for colleagues within minority groups. Self-awareness and openness to learn in the workplace is inherently valuable for the positive evolution of our workforce. Let’s get comfortable with how to talk about diversity at work.


Everyone should be able to show emotions, regardless of your gender, and neither gender should have an advantage when it comes to careers. Driving equality is fairly simple - it needs a little patience, respect and understanding. This won’t happen overnight, but you just have to be willing to observe and chat about your own cultural and personal perspectives. Ideally, we will end up in a place where we are curious and courageous enough to ask others about theirs as well.


In the coming weeks, we’ll be hosting ‘Lightning Talks’ at the MoJ, where we will be engaging with and celebrating some fabulous successful women in the digital and technology industry, and I’ll be sharing some of those insights in the coming blogs.

The UK’s future pipeline of technology talent is heavily skewed towards men and the above report showed that just 3% of females say a career in technology is their first choice, so I hope the work we’re doing in Women in Tech here at the MoJ will inspire a wider audience further than just the MoJ, resulting in more females to consider a career in technology.

Watch this space...

Gender equality is not just a female fight, the bigger picture is showing us we need to rally together to diversify the industry and celebrate our differences. Our work and upcoming blogs will be representative of what we are trying to promote – inclusive, inspiring and informative. What a better place to play your part than in a department that fundamentally stands for justice and equality.

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  1. Comment by Jill posted on

    Really interesting initiative. I will be interested in the impact from this. As a female leader in technology I think it disappointing that women are so under represented

  2. Comment by Cara posted on

    Amazing initiative Eloise, I hope other companies follow suit!

  3. Comment by James Thomson posted on

    We at colleges have a low intake from schools so I would suggest the problem lies in early years engagement. When we can all get back out I suggest schools should engage with the fantastic local tech companies that are out there. I'm sure it happens but there needs to be more of it.

  4. Comment by Loreta Krasteva posted on

    I think this is a wonderful initiative! There is indeed a gender imbalance in the industry.

    I have been drawn to the tech industry since I was 6 years old and I believe females are just as capable of being tech-savvy as males.

    It's truly lovely to see an initiative that is helping females stand out and so is reading the following article stories shared by the women working at MoJ. It sounds like a very open-minded place to work at!


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